Selebrity Homes
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
8.Most Expensive Homes - 2010
The House is Most Expensive's House of the World
Back in 2008, we published 10 most expensive homes in the world – 2008, we thought it would be a good idea to have a 2010 update of the list and so you can see how they compare for yourself. Anyway, here we go:
"Antilla", Mumbai - $1billion
The world’s most expensive home in 2010 is unquestionable. It is the first $1 billion home the world has seen. A custom-build 27 story towering mansion, Antilla in Mumbai is the home of the world’s fifth richest man, namely Mukesh Ambani, head of Indian petro-chemical giant Reliance Industries, which is India’s most valuable firm by market capitalization.
With double height ceilings, ballrooms, crystal chandelier ceilings, retractable stages, and 600 servants, there is no other home on earth that compares to the 570 feet tall Antilla.
2. second house
Villa Leopolda is an 80,000 square foot Chateuau built in 1902 by King Leopold II of Belgium. The villa has been rumoured to be the home of Bill Gates and many more global figures, but has actually been home to French banker Edmond Safira, whose wife Lily still lives there. The 19 bedroom villa, which boasts sports courts, a bowling alley, multiple kitchens, dining rooms and a movie theatre, received even more press lately when a Russian mogul lost his deposit on the property when he reneged on completing the sale.
3. One Hyde Park - The Penthouse, London - $200 million
This massively stylish modern penthouse may not be so expensive did it not sit atop the famous number 1 Hyde Park address. As it is in such a premium location it has been built as a home for the rich and famous complete with SAS guard, bullet proof windows, iris scanners, panic rooms and a secret tunnel to the nearby Mandarin Hotel. The building has communal spas, squash courts and wine tasting rooms, and the penthouse is served by 24 hour room service.
4. Fairfield Pond, The Hamptons - $170 million
This 63 acre home is considered the largest residential compound in America. The 29 bedroom beachfront home of publicity shy billionaire Ira Rennert has 5 sports courts, a bowling alley and a $150,000 hot tub.
5. Hearst Mansion, Beverly Hills - $ 165 million
This mansion — the former home of publishing giant William Randolph Hearst, the inspiration for the main character in “Citizen Kane” –, features 29 bedrooms and three pools. The estate became a pop-culture icon after being used in The Godfather movie, when the infamous severed horse’s head turned up in the owner’s bed. The fact that assassinated President John F Kennedy stayed in the mansion during his honeymoon also added to its status. The house has some notable neighbours, including Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes and David and Victoria Beckham.
6. Franchuk Villa, kensington _ $161 million
Anyone else spotting a trend here (the most expensive homes being mainly in the UK and US, this making it 2 all). This Victorian Villa was a girl’s prep school until 1997, when it was bought and upgraded in 2006. After receiving a £10 million overhaul and refurb it was purchased by Ukrainian AIDS philanthropist, Elena Franchuk, and renamed the Franchuk Villa.
7. The Pinnacle, Montana - $ 155million
This is the home of Time and Edra Blixseth, owners of the billionaires-only golf and ski resort “Yellowstone Club” in Montana. It will be the largest and grandest property on the resort, but is still small in comparison to some of those on this list, with only 10 bedrooms. To catch up the property has impressive features such as every inch of floor being heated, a heated driveway and fireplaces in all bathrooms. (3-2 to America).
8. The Manor Los Angeles - $150 million
The home of Aaron Spelling, dubbed “The Manor” by wife Cindy, has 123 rooms for his family to choose from, an indoor skating rink, multiple pools, three kitchens, sports courts, private orchard, and a bowling alley. The home, which he had built from scratch in 1991 also has a room used exclusively for wrapping presents and an entire floor dedicated to closet space.
9. Updown Court, Windlesham, Surrey - $139million
The description of this home is above, as it was the 3rd most expensive home in 2008. What is interesting however, is that in 2008 it was valued at $110million, meaning its value has grown substantially even during such difficult financial times.
10. Dracula's Castle, Romania - $135million
This home needs no introduction. Built in the 14th century, the castle is now a national monument and museum thanks to the legend surrounding it, which also needs no introduction. It has 57 rooms in total, including 17 bedrooms filled with antiques and historical artefacts. It wouldn’t do for the publicly shy Ira Rennert mentioned above, but for the quirkier billionaire, the 450 million tourists that visit every year may be worth it for living in Dracula’s castle.
7.The House of, Prince of dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Most Expensive House In The World.
I was curious to find out what is currently the most expensive house in the world. Turns out, you would only need to buy a house for more than 70million pounds to be the owner of the most expensive house in the world. That’s not too bad, aye? Pocket change as far as I’m concerned. However, i’ve checked through various sources and apparently 2 houses in the UK sold for a rumoured 70million pounds, so I guess there are 2 houses that can be considered the most expensive house in the world.
It’s located 25 miles outside of London. Among the estate’s neighbours are the Duchess of York, Elton John, and, at nearby Windsor Castle, the Queen. So, what exactly would you get for your money? Well, you know, just the basic:
■103 rooms
■five swimming pools
■50-seat screening room
■24-carat-gold leafing flooring
■squash court
■bowling alley
■all-weather, floodlit tennis courts
■58-acre estate
■22 bedroom and bathroom suites
■Gate lodge
■estate manager’s office
■Private cinema
■Heated marble driveway
■Underground garaging for eight limousines
■a shooting gallery
■30 self-contained luxury apartments
Don’t be silly. The master bedroom has its own swimming pool accessed by a private glass lift. The roof has an infinity pool and hot tub encased by a glass barrier that allowed sky and water to meet. The reception hall occupies a footprint larger than most five-bedroom houses. It is dominated by marble columns and a sweeping double staircase modelled on one owned by fashion designer Versace.
So, who owns this little shack?
Apparently the proud owner of Updown Court is multi-billionaire crown prince of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The racehorse owner, who already owns a property in Chertsey in Surrey, is expected to entertain official guests at the mansion.
I was curious to find out what is currently the most expensive house in the world. Turns out, you would only need to buy a house for more than 70million pounds to be the owner of the most expensive house in the world. That’s not too bad, aye? Pocket change as far as I’m concerned. However, i’ve checked through various sources and apparently 2 houses in the UK sold for a rumoured 70million pounds, so I guess there are 2 houses that can be considered the most expensive house in the world.
■103 rooms
■five swimming pools
■50-seat screening room
■24-carat-gold leafing flooring
■squash court
■bowling alley
■all-weather, floodlit tennis courts
■58-acre estate
■22 bedroom and bathroom suites
■Gate lodge
■estate manager’s office
■Private cinema
■Heated marble driveway
■Underground garaging for eight limousines
■a shooting gallery
■30 self-contained luxury apartments
Don’t be silly. The master bedroom has its own swimming pool accessed by a private glass lift. The roof has an infinity pool and hot tub encased by a glass barrier that allowed sky and water to meet. The reception hall occupies a footprint larger than most five-bedroom houses. It is dominated by marble columns and a sweeping double staircase modelled on one owned by fashion designer Versace.
So, who owns this little shack?
Apparently the proud owner of Updown Court is multi-billionaire crown prince of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The racehorse owner, who already owns a property in Chertsey in Surrey, is expected to entertain official guests at the mansion.
6.Walid Bin Talal
Diamond made mercedese cost of $4.8 million
made specially for prince Waleed bin talal
to show his royalty
5.Luxury life of indian business man ' Mukesh Ambani'
Mukesh Ambani's most expensive Antila
Antilia, is the proposed name for a twenty-seven floor (560 ft or 173 m) building presently
under construction in mumbai for indiaan businessman, Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of
Reliance industries, whose family will occoupy about 35,000 square feet (3,300 m2).
Named after the mythical island in the Atlantic, it is designed by chicago
situated on a 4,532 square meters (48,780 sq ft) plot at altamount Road on the famed
Malabar Hill, Where land prices are upward of US $ 10,000 per square meter, the building
will house parking for 168 cars, a movie theatre for audience of fifty,living quarters on four
floors and three helepads
check out Mukesh Ambani's new home pictures;
Antilla, Mukesh Ambani new home
2. Nine elevators dot the lobby floor Two are designated for parking areas, three for
guest quarters, two for the Ambani family residences and two for service. The lobby opens
to numberous lounges, reception areas and powder rooms. Dual stairways lead from the
lobby-floor down to the ballroom, Which is designed in an open layout with a two-story room.
Ballroom of Antilla
Traditional lounge
Modern lounge
Outlook of Antilla in night.

Antilla in day.
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